I've gotten burned out from my workload before. It seems as though I need to exercise regularly, give myself creative time, sleep at least 7-8 hours a night, and give myself both indoor and outdoor recreation time, if I'm going to avoid burnout. So assuming that's under control and I still get that advice, I do the following: Ignore it Do whatever I was going to do anyway. When people see your results, suddenly you did a great job and they will have supported you the entire time (from their POV). This is also why I've gradually stopped sharing most of my goals with anyone, including family. No matter how well-intentioned, others will always try to discourage you. Remember, the majority of people are just going to spend their entire lives doing basically nothing other than the bare minimum to get by. So yeah, doing art for only 1-2 hours a day instead of 6-8 isn't ideal, but the majority of people who want to be artists are not going to put forth much, if any, ef...