October Goals -- and how I will achieve them
Starting these on 9/30 for an extra day, here goes nothing: Lifting Achieve 10% body fat Lift 5-6 days a week How I will achieve this: Automatically by my routine. The 6th day will be super light and short before long running. Even 10-15 minutes is worth doing. Running Hit 4-5 miles per day during the week and 14-16 on Saturdays Run the St. George Half and the Haunted Half How I will achieve this: Automatically by my routine. I'm already hitting that mileage. Rendering Do all the Drawtober prompts. This is slightly more than 1 piece of art per week. Finish Pixar in a Box Do 25 CtrlPaint videos and exercises (trying for 31 or even the full thing) Finish basic Maya review. Continue with daily warmup sequence, Drawabox, etc. Watch shows every night. Game for 30 minutes a night at least, and 45 minutes on Friday/Saturday, optionally with some gamedev time too, and time to review Pokemon strategies. Exception: Monday night due to school and wor...