
Showing posts from December, 2022

Happy new year.

I hate staying up, but we were already up kinda late at the baskeball game, and my extremely irritating neighbors have been shooting off fireworks erratically for hours. So I got ready for bed and then just stared at my laptop attempting to be productive instead of sleeping. I sure hope they stop by 12:30. I want to sleep.  I have a lot of goals and dreams for 2023. I made a good list of resolutions. This year will be the one that shines the brightest out of all the years I've had so far. It'll be time to get those goals all started as soon as I wake up. For now, rest. 

NUnit in Visual Studio for C#: Tests not found bug

I wanted to use some syntax in N-Unit to compare equality of double[] arrays within a certain tolerance.  I basically wanted to do this, using the second answer by maciejkow. So I installed N-Unit and tried it, but I kept getting a bug about the tests not being found.  Turns out, you have to annotate your test methods with [Test] instead of [TestMethod] in C# in order for N-Unit to detect your tests. Stack Overflow was down, and I misplaced the link. but the preview text on Google was my lifesaver for this one lol. 

The restroom code for Bruxie in Santa Monica, CA 8989 IDK how long that will work for, but that's what it was on Christmas Eve. 

The Christmas buildup.

I’ve had a great break so far. Last year’s sucked. This year, the weather has been beautiful, and I’ve stuck to a schedule (loosely). It’s too bad it’s gone by so quickly. The usual conflict arises — I hate the winter, and I’m so much happier in California, but all my friends are in Utah and I love the summertime there.  I just wish I had more time to anticipate Christmas and really feel that buildup. But each year I’ve been so busy with school that Christmas just sneaks up on me. I’m so narrowed in on accomplishing XYZ before Christmas and XYZ before New Years that I don’t have the energy to really dream about the holiday before it gets here. I hope that in 2023 I can focus on that more.  Even so. so much buildup…and then it’s over so damn fast.  Soon: New Years resolutions. 

dogma and crap science

We all know of the common stuff, like antivaxxers and their various logical fallacies, which have caused old diseases to resurface.  But there is a lot of smaller, yet still pernicious crap science out there.  Just brainstorming on a lot of fake science that sets my BS-o-meter off: You have to put 10,000 hours of something to get good at it You can only focus on one passion or else you'll suck at what you do Anything about "starvation mode" in regards to weight loss "Ectomorphs", "mesomorphs" and whatever the other one was Carbs are supposedly evil and make you fat You should only eat "complex carbs" You have to live off of boiled chicken, broccoli, protein, and brown rice to get ripped, and avoid sugar and fast food  Testosterone isn't a steroid  Cardio will destroy muscle so you shouldn't do it, asthma and heart health be damned (I actually do have a debunk on this one, thanks to the excellent Scooby Werkstatt: LINK ) You can get ...

Depressing winter Saturdays where I just stay inside and do homework

Are the worst.  I start out with a long run every Saturday. I usually feel pretty good, though running through the city sucks (canyon is too snowy and icy). Sometimes I'll clean after, sometimes I have too much homework so I skip it. Since I'm working 40-hour weeks in addition to school, I have to get as much thesis work done on Saturdays as possible. So after my shower, it's time to get work done.  I think winter Saturdays wouldn't be as bad if I could just code for a few hours, then lose myself in some video games for the rest of the day. But when I have deadlines to meet, I usually can't game until the very end of the night, and not for very long. Maybe 30 minutes if I don't fall asleep in front of my PC first. It's worse when friends cancel so I have nowhere to go later in the night, and it's so cold that I can't motivate myself to leave the house.  I did a 5K time trial this morning as part of my long run, and WOW did it kick off my asthma. 27 d...

Why I'm against AI "art"

A few semesters back, I took Computational Creativity and liked it. Our group project was a GPT-3-based interview chatbot, and in retrospect, I'm glad I didn't do a project with AI art.  At the time, I was simply interested in  possibility . What are the limits of what computers can do? That's why I found it interesting. I wanted to get good at making art myself, and also understand how AI art creation worked from the perspective of deep learning. I worked a lot with prompt engineering in that class. It's something of an art itself, but very different from the process of drawing, digital painting, or 3D modeling in Maya or Blender.  We did  talk about the ethics of AI art, but unfortunately, my consistent tendency to dissociate and fly away to Magical Fairy Rainbow Skittles Unicorn-Filled Sexy La-La-Land during lectures ascertained that I can't remember the arguments that were presented.  Ultimately, the problem isn't with the risk of job loss to artists. Don...

FDOJ vs. Summer of Dreams

I've moved up my intended graduation date from June to April. I've decided it's time to start working hard on my creative work -- combining my coding, art, and writing to build my fantasy universe. While the M.S. will definitely help me with this, it's also kind of a hindrance. When I get off work, I can't relax much with some video games or a nice movie, because I have to study. When I start work, I have to get there early and study first. So, this degree must be completed ASAP. I can and will continue to study fluid simulation during my allotted coding blocks; I am just tired of having to sacrifice everything else for it.  In other words, working full-time AND studying means that these two things have a monopoly on your time. They suck out everything else that's important to you. My routine is basically wake up, go to the gym, study, work, study again, paint like 2 brushstrokes in Photoshop and write like 2 sentences of my novel, and go to sleep. School is slo...

Seasonal Affective Disorder Music: Like They Even Know by I Hate This Place

I Hate This Place was a band recommendation that I found on the Owl City subreddit. The commenter said that they were very similar to Owl City, but a little darker.  I tried out a few of their songs and I became a fan. Unfortunately, it looks like their heyday was in 2010. As it was for most of the bands that I like. Their social media is dead now. 2010 was just a better time. :| The Snowlights album has helped with my SAD. It talks about winter but it doesn't glorify it. Most of IHTP's music is sad.  I trace your outline across the snowfall  Moving slow under the blankets of ice here in my room  The singer sounds tired. It makes sense, with the themes of sleeping and cold. Tracing the imagined outline of someone you wish was beside you while the snow blows outside. The world feels icy, inhospitable, and sad. It makes me want to go somewhere far away.  What it feels like to be with you... When all the masks we wear have fallen away. When all that makes...