
Showing posts from April, 2024

the restart of Panda Thursdays is imminent (~7 weeks?)

I've got so many Panda Express gift cards Panda Thursdays are an excellent summer tradition. They require me to have 890 calories in the bank, though, which means they don't happen during deficit phases.  With any luck, those will restart by the end of May...then add in finally trying Culver's and getting a pizza from Mountain Mike's :)

Keeping the goals in sight.

I've been really  off of my good routine. I have kept lifting and running consistent, but that's it. However, it's to be expected, since my master's degree has gone way  over and I'm trying to finish it, plus a new job.  Thus, I'm regrouping on my goals, so I don't lose sight of them. I just need to get a few more things out the gate, and I'll be golden.  So for art , I want to have a solid 2D/3D portfolio and reel. I want to be an artist with a Patreon or something similar (for webcomics and such), that others ask to collaborate with on projects, and that does both commissions and original work.  For writing , I would like to be a published author who finishes 1 book every year. Illustrations for each chapter too.  For coding , I would like to be a highly paid senior developer with extreme foundational skills, strong side projects, and  particularly strong skills in my focus areas (graphics, cybersecurity, hardware). And then I will use my ...

screw Overleaf

This is garbage. You can't download the PDF with this error. I'm like 99% done with this paper. I get this error when I'm on wifi, but not when I'm connected via Ethernet.  For any future papers I may write, I am going to look up alternative methods. 

40 hours, and 25 on my own stuff.

There seems to be a false dichotomy afoot: either you live and breathe your job, code for fun, and work as many hours as your company wants, OR you don't really care about the field that much, you probably have kids, and you only put in 40 hours.  I don't fall into either camp.  I don't have kids, but that doesn't mean I'm available for you to work me into the ground.  I want to cap my hours, but that's because I'd rather study and learn on my own time . I want to make my OWN stuff. Not anybody else's.  Yes, I would like to work only 40 hours a week. But I actually code a lot outside of work. It's just my own stuff.  I don't want to do more than 40 at work  because it takes away time from my creative work. I want to learn and make projects. Create and explore the world.  My goal is 25 hours per week working on my own pursuits and studies. And that's exactly why I need to cap my actual hours at 40.  And thus my focus over the next few years wi...

No thank you, Netflix 🖕🖕🖕

Got this BS when trying to watch Beastars last night. I had no issues before.  Nope, sorry not sorry Netflix, I'm not paying for jack. I use my parents' account and they use my Disney+, or at least that's how it used to work. Of course I googled Beastars and very quickly found another way to watch it.  A pirate's life for me from now on.   

Cadence and motor while running.

Why was I so slow in high school? No, genetics is not an excuse. Let's analyze. I wasn't eating enough. That's self-evident.  I wasn't lifting enough. Especially lower body. I tried but my mom kept telling me it was a waste of time, and would stunt my growth (an incorrect myth), and also I couldn't balance it with my AP courses.  I raced my recovery runs.  My form was bad. I disagree with the school of thought that your natural form is best. No it isn't. I converted to toe-striking for speedwork and races. I will never go back to heel striking. Toe striking is second nature to me now.  I wasn't sleeping enough. 5-6 hours a night sucks.  Tbh, could've done even more Saturday mileage, like the 14s-16s we do every summer now, but with XC you don't want to keep everyone waiting for you to finish.  I didn't run downhills properly because I was scared of falling.  But above all: MOTOR. Cadence. When you want to go faster, you don't lurch your entir...

Living how I wanted to live in the early 2010s.

Why do I idealize 2010-2012 so much? My mental health wasn't in a good spot, to say the least, I was 45 minutes late everywhere, my sleep hygiene was horrendous, I was a lot less socially confident, I lived like a pack rat, I was petrified of going on a mission, and I was cranky and rather unpleasant to be around in-person.  I don't want to go back to ANY of that! But then again, I had so much fun on the internet. I was active and met many great people. I read a lot and went to the library often. I started coding and making art during this time, and was writing a decent amount too -- both original fiction and super nerdy pokemon fanfiction. I was only writing chapter 1s though, at least for original fiction. Over and over again, obsessed with perfecting them. I started to gain a much greater interest in gaming and watching cartoons and anime, but did not have the executive functioning in place required to actually sit down and engage with them. So I would start things and just ...