It's the 4th of July...

...and I'm inside, sick, instead of being outside and watching fireworks. Well, I might wander outside in a little bit, but I'm not with friends. 

I wasn't feeling that bad in the morning. In fact I made it through 100 minutes of lifting (longer workout which I had planned in advance) and an 8-mile run, and I felt fine and only coughed twice. So I thought I was basically over it. I was wrong. I started feeling horrible at Lagoon. Sat down in the queue for the Wild Kingdom Express and actually thought I was going to pass out. Drove by all the cool animals and just wanted the ride to be over. The kangaroos were super active and it took me quite a few seconds to process it and I didn't take a pic. Likely hyponatremia (yet again) and some form of heatstroke, which I usually don't get especially in the 80s but I guess when you're already sick... I took an easy 1-mile walk on the Lagoon trail, which I usually do without effort twice a day at various locations, and I had to stop and sit in the shade staring at the plants halfway through it. I called off my all-day trip and stopped by Cowabunga Bay on the way home, which actually made me feel a lot better because of all the cold water constantly raining on me and the water slides clearing out my sinuses. Since: it was close to closing time, I somehow managed to avoid coughing around others, and most people were gone anyway, hopefully I didn't spread whatever I have to anyone. I also found that my new Grand Teton swimsuit is extremely slick, like I almost flew out of the splash pool at Bombora at Cowabunga Bay with it (and banged my lower back a bit) because of how little friction there was. I also got WAY too much airtime on LAB's speed slides, like I was just not physically touching the slide at all for the majority of the final descent on The Drop. 

I guess those little butt pockets actually make quite the difference as to your speed on a water slide. My Teton suit doesn't have any. 

I was going to go meet up with friends to watch fireworks, and I'm all dressed up in red white and blue, but I currently feel like death. Can't even get through a drawing session. And do I really want to risk getting them sick? No, I already did that to a bunch of random strangers by insisting to myself that I was fine. I am going to attempt to write for 5-10 minutes, stare blankly at some code and math for a bit, maybe attempt to play piano, half-ass watching some fireworks, think about the hypothetical concept of gaming (or maybe play POOLS for a few minutes), and then say screw it. I felt fine when working from home the past few days while sick -- no issues with my energy levels. Sadly, not anymore. 

I am also covered in mosquito bites and I don't know if I want to get even more. Stupid things bit right through my shirt at Yellowstone. I've got a row of angry red bites across my back. Though they're fading now and just look like bacne. My entire body itches, I can hardly stay awake (except when writing this vent post for some reason), my throat hurts, my voice sounds like crap, and coughing hurts because of how much of it I've done. At least the 69,420 fireworks going off in every direction make me feel like I am somewhat a part of the festivities. 

Then add work stress to all this. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy and I'll never find a true 9-5 to build my life around unless someone from Adobe or Microsoft actually sees my resume and it's not a cloud team or I grind hard for like 5 years to get into Google (and it's not a cloud team, screw cloud teams, they're always on-call and working weekends. Why am I constantly landing these late-night and weekend jobs? I dread every deployment and I am still STUCK here). I'd also go back to DreamWorks in a heartbeat even for less pay because I could set MY OWN HOURS for overtime and it was only done when absolutely necessary. Nobody tried to contact me outside of work and when I wanted to go to bed, I knew no one was going to wake me up. 

I will NEVER let someone drink out of my water bottle without waterfalling again! I KNOW that's how I got sick in the middle of freaking July. This is ridiculous. I didn't know they were going to do that, by the way. If I let you have a drink, the implicit assumption is that you are going to waterfall, but I guess I can't make that assumption anymore. I don't like surprises. 

EDIT: OK I am possibly gonna go out but stay away from everyone and only for like 15 mins lmao 
