Autumn anxiety
It’s still summer until September 22nd, and water parks will be open until September 12th or so…but unfortunately, it’s coming. The inevitable. The autumn anxiety is here. Here is a link about it — it’s basically a precursor to the worst part of seasonal affective disorder, the depression that skyrockets in winter. More than anything, it’s an anticipatory fear of what’s to come. In just a few minutes, I have to design my fall autopilot schedule, as we drive back up to Utah. When we get there, the weather will probably be hot (well, we’ll get there at night, but it will be hot the next day). But in like a month it’ll be cold and dark again. And it’s honestly weird to think about, when I’m sitting at the top of Double Dragons at Cherry Hill in my swimsuit this September 11th, that in just a few weeks I’ll balk at the idea of going outside in shorts, let alone getting in cool water. I didn’t get as much done this summer as I wanted to. I did get a decent amoun...