
Showing posts from February, 2023

DreamViews lucid dreaming competition: my goals

Three-Step Task 1. Basic summoning (fictional character) 2. Practice real-life hobbies (thinking of clarinet and digital painting) 3. Element manipulation Personal goals - Ride a roller coaster - Ride a water slide - Ride a long water slide that ends in the sea - Jump through a portal from my dream to a video game world dream - Jump through a portal from my dream to a custom fantasy world dream - Summon and talk to dream guide, ask for advice on improving techniques - Let my dream guide take me into a dream of its choice - Eat some donuts - Make music play in the background of the dream, like a soundtrack. - Ride a dragon - Time perception: Have a dream where I feel like I'm there for days or weeks. - fly to a resort in Hawaii

Why was I so worried?

It seems that I will, in fact, have to extend my MS graduation date.  But I’m no longer worried. I love fluid simulation. What I don’t love is a lack of balance. If I have downtime (to relax, sleep, read, play video games) as well as creative time (to make art, write, play music), then my desire to learn increases. Without these things, I fizzle out.  As a result, I’m now planning to graduate in December. That’s also my deadline for my current slew of personal work. Basically: finish 2 certifications, finish my art tutorials, review all basic coding concepts, up my running mileage, start my next novel, stuff like that.  I will be researching 10 hours a week instead of 15-20 on my thesis because I hardcode burned out this week. This will be a way more reasonable pace, giving me FREE TIME!! and I’ll learn to work more efficiently too. During the summer, I’ll only work on it for 5 hours a week, fitting it into my normal coding slots. Or, I’ll take the summer off altogether. ...

It’s 6 pm and…

…it’s not dark yet!  Spring is coming…

Latex code for Navier-Stokes copy/paste

Because typing it in a rush is really annoying. First equation: \[  \Delta \cdot \overrightarrow{u} = 0\] Second equation: \[  \frac{d\overrightarrow{u}}{dt} = - (\Delta \cdot \overrightarrow{u}) \overrightarrow{u} - \frac{1}{p} \Delta p + v \Delta^2\overrightarrow{u} + \overrightarrow{F} \] And a bonus, F = ma: \[ \overrightarrow{F} = m\overrightarrow{a} \]  Results:

So tired man.

Working full time plus attending school = no time to do art, writing, personal coding projects, or learning theme park design concepts. Now technically my project is a personal coding project which I probably would've done anyway, but even so -- the lack of control over how I spend my free time is killing me. My entire life is school and work. And I REALLY want to start getting good at art. But I can't right now because all I do outside of 40 hours of work is...homework.  Super stressed about not finishing on time. I CANNOT be working on this over the summer. I NEED my free time back, especially during the best part of the year. And with that, time to get some schoolwork done before I clock in. 

I don’t usually have layovers on my flights.

But when I do, the first flight gets delayed.  I was supposed to get dinner in Phoenix and I am starving. 🌝

What a morning.


Sicky McSickFace

I had 2 opportunities to get sick on Sunday. Someone at church sounded really congested, and then when I went to my friends' place to hang out, one of them was sick as well.  I'm not sure who I got it from, but like clockwork...I felt fine on Monday's workout, but I started to develop a sore throat extremely rapidly, while having breakfast. January/February is always when I get sick. The awful throwaway days of midwinter, where time feels nonexistent and everlasting, nothing is enjoyable, and the world seems to come to a screeching, silent halt. Sometimes I get sick in November too, so at least I avoided getting sick this past Thanksgiving.  Enter life becoming 1000x more annoying. I had to email and bow out of my research meeting. I used the time to code, so I guess that was good. I still went to work since I'm fully remote, bad idea. I kept running out of energy and putting my head down on the desk due to how tired I was -- on 120mg of caffeine, my normal dose. I star...