Sicky McSickFace
I had 2 opportunities to get sick on Sunday. Someone at church sounded really congested, and then when I went to my friends' place to hang out, one of them was sick as well.
I'm not sure who I got it from, but like clockwork...I felt fine on Monday's workout, but I started to develop a sore throat extremely rapidly, while having breakfast. January/February is always when I get sick. The awful throwaway days of midwinter, where time feels nonexistent and everlasting, nothing is enjoyable, and the world seems to come to a screeching, silent halt. Sometimes I get sick in November too, so at least I avoided getting sick this past Thanksgiving.
Enter life becoming 1000x more annoying. I had to email and bow out of my research meeting. I used the time to code, so I guess that was good. I still went to work since I'm fully remote, bad idea. I kept running out of energy and putting my head down on the desk due to how tired I was -- on 120mg of caffeine, my normal dose. I started to have chills, but both Oura and my crappy infrared thermometer didn't detect a fever.
On Tuesday, my throat was still hurting and I couldn't talk, so I emailed out of work. I felt very guilty doing this. Plus, I love my job, so I didn't want to, but I knew how badly Monday went and didn't want to repeat it. I figured I had better try and get some thesis work done while I was out. I did, made some decent progress, then got stuck on a weird bug. This made me realize how bad I was feeling, especially as the Mucinex was starting to wear off, so I sat in bed with the iPad and watched BNA. I'm almost finished with it, which is good, as I am slowly solving the I Cannot Keep Up With Any Of My Fandoms problem that I've had for the longest time.
I still feel sick today, and have started coughing a slight amount...So I took a sick day at work again. I figure I'll work extremely slowly on my thesis proposal while drinking plenty of fluids. If I ever start to feel weird or worse, back to bed it is. I haven't even been doing any fidgeting or stimming which I almost always do, and I only listen to a tiny bit of music, if anything, when usually I'm plugged in all day. But right now it makes me feel like crap.
It's still that weird point where I feel bad enough to be distracted from my work, but not bad enough to be lying in bed all day. Maybe I should be, though. At least I don't have stomach flu, I guess, that happened in January 2021 (I think? Could've been 2022) and it was hell. Pic related:
I haven't exercised, which sucks. I've been eating over maintenance calories (I'm always ravenous when I'm sick unless it's the stomach flu) and I still have another 5 weeks of cutting to do, which I obviously can't do when I'm sick, so that's getting pushed back. I haven't left the house, which also sucks, but considering it was like 2 to 10 degrees F the last few days, presumably I haven't missed much. I'm not sure, like should I still be trying to do writing and art and Trello sorting? Or should I just power through and do thesis crap with what little energy I have?
I guess this will be the plan for today: Do thesis work in extremely small chunks. After finishing even a little piece of it, rest. Take a longer break for lunch, with some more anime. Take that Mucinex and drink tons of fluids. Also take a long dinner break. I'll have to bow out of writing group. I will still try to fix all my code today, but I cannot stress myself out about it, or I will be sick for longer. Then I'll try and get to bed at a reasonable hour, and hopefully by tomorrow I'll be back in business...I really do hope so.
Is it summer yet?
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