I've thought a lot about what I want to do, and this is the high level. For goals, I will follow the PACT method (seems more intuitive to me than SMART). By April (or June): Finish CS master's degree. 2024 - 2027, including while finishing master's: Work full-time. Review all of CS. Master Linux, graphics, all the concepts. Get some cloud and mainframe certs. Get IT and cybersecurity certs: Google, CompTIA, CCNA, CCNP Data Center, and a pentesting cert. Create a homelab, and continue to work on gaming PC. Do various coding projects, including a mobile app, a game, and an in-depth website revamp. Get insanely good at Leetcode and Kaggle. Work at art, computer graphics, and novel writing every single day, no exceptions. Practice music regularly. Continue exercise regime, building muscle and getting faster. Self-study physics, engineering, and math. Especially focus on engineering that can be done with a CS degree: emb...