Debugging: stop goose-chasing

This is something that happens to me almost exclusively in school, but sometimes at work too. It's when I'm trying to fix a bug and I'm running out of time. It never happens with personal projects. In the case of my thesis, my current set of bugs could actually push back graduation and force me to pay more tuition. 

It's when you think you almost have the solution to your bug, and you're running out of time, so you keep frantically trying random tiny things based on half-baked leaps of intuition. Then suddenly it's 8 hours later and your back hurts and it doesn't work still. 

I fixed my biggest issue with my foam simulator but my shader is having major bugs with data transfer. The values are correctly inserted but all get set to 0...somewhere before rendering. Even though the shader works in other scenes and doesn't lose the data. 

I started to get so frustrated that I nearly broke something. My github commit comments were also angry. Hopefully the one person who starred it doesn't unstar it due to that. OOF...In reality, I was panicking. Sure I love coding, but I'm running out of time. I want my master's done by the spring, and I wanted the code fixed before Monday when my new job starts, but I also haven't been preparing enough for Sunday piano. Oh and my edx course is aggressively reminding me that I'm almost out of time to finish it. And I've been in this degree for FAR too long and I need to move on with my life. 

So I went on like 20 wild goose chases, ran out of time to shop, skipped multiple planned study sessions...and to no avail. 

I straight up shut off my computer when I realized what was happening. And I ate dinner and watched a show. I will not screw up my back or my sanity lol. I refuse. Regardless of what my dad may say about "just sit there for 16 hours and finish it" lmao. 

What is the solution to this? Stop goose chasing. When you think you have the cause of a bug, slow down. Isolate and break things down to their tiniest pieces. Break out of hyperfocus too. That's how I fixed my previous bug and that's how I'll fix this one too. Slowing down isn't fun, but it saves time in the long run. 

Now, back to piano and edx...then a bit of writing, internet, gaming and early to bed. Tomorrow, standard block but with extra piano. I'll also be fixing my water surface, and then...diving right on back into the foam shader bug. But this time, deliberately. 


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