
I thought I was finally over this cold, then halfway through research meeting, I started to feel really sleepy...and kind of off...and my throat hurt again, and...yeah. Back on the sick train. Back home to suffer! 

I start working next week so this had better go away asap. I sure hope it's not a sinus infection or something. It feels like winter 2023, i.e. like it's never going to end. 

I have to get this master's done, as it's been taking far too long. As a result, this is a temporary downscale of each pursuit I do, only lasting a few weeks before getting back to normal. 

This week I have to 

  • finish thesis code, at least to the point of having a working proof-of-concept in 3D
  • prep all my piano pieces for Sunday
  • finish Dynamics and Control on edX (don't need to be done with the final yet)
  • do onboarding for my job
I'm dealing with a running injury and still too sick to go to Orem Rec. So, that will be reduced. Other reductions:
  • Only go to parks on nice days. If it's raining, stay around the apartment. 
  • Art is cut to 15 minutes per day. 
  • Writing 15 minutes per day. 
  • All non-related coding and IT certs is 15 minutes per day. 
  • Engineering and math is paused except for Dynamics and Control. 
  • No clarinet or singing until my throat is no longer sore. 
  • Gaming is only 15 minutes a day. 
  • Cleaning for 10 minutes a day. 
The general procedure of the day will be: Fitness -> Art -> Reading/Writing -> CS/IT -> Thesis -> Engineering -> Music -> Break -> Cleaning -> Gaming. 

I will do onboarding this afternoon, after the code combthrough. 

This won't be fun, but it's needed. Once my thesis code is working, I will start ramping everything back up. I expect that only 1-2 weeks of this is necessary. 


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