Re-evaluating with my carnival coaster credits [82 total coasters]
As of Monday, I have ridden 77 different permanent coasters. My most recent credit, which I obtained on Monday, was the Mountain Coaster in Park City, UT. I'm also not currently counting the Disk-O at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, but that may change later.
But I have forgotten to count carnival coasters, which boosts my count somewhat. Here are the ones that I can remember.
Ventura County Fair: Dragon Wagon
Ventura County Fair: Backdraft Coaster
Ventura County Fair: Pole Position
Ventura County Fair: Wacky Worm (Probably)
City of Fun Carnival: Orient Express (This one is pain and suffering)
A lot of people don't count Dragon Wagons, but I will. Because that is my earliest memory of being on a coaster. Though I may be mixing it up with Jaguar at Knott's, but I don't think so.
I am sure there are more, but these are unfortunately the only ones I can remember, so they are the ones I will count. To be completely honest, I can't even remember if I've been on a Wacky Worm or not. I usually avoid them at carnivals because they are filled with 3-year-olds (Orient Express wasn't for some weird reason) but I am pretty sure I have been on one at least once, when I was at that sweet age when I was tall enough for the big rides but young enough for the kiddie rides = max ride time.
So, that brings my real total up to 82. I will update my Reddit flairs on r/rollercoasters and r/rollercoasterjerk accordingly.
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