covizzle ninetizzle
I am vehemently opposed to lockdowns and mask mandates. I cannot believe that our lives were forcibly taken away from us for something so minor, for such a long period of time. Lockdowns destroy mental health. I will never, ever support them, and you cannot change my mind about this. Lockdowns destroyed the quiet, happy little world I had created for myself, and you do not get to take that world away from me. If you try, I will fight you. And sure, I think it is a good idea to wear a mask when you’re symptomatic. It just shouldn’t be forced. But if everyone is wearing one even if they’re feeling fine, then it encourages a culture of irrational fear and paranoia. Ergo, this is BAD. Most viruses can be transmitted asymptomatically, and no I’m not going to wear a mask outside of a directly medical context UNLESS I am feeling symptoms of something. Otherwise, we will be doing this forever. Masks make me hyperventilate, and I get a headache if I wear one for too long. However, I ...