feral front got yeeted

This is kind of lame. This evening, I went on an internet rampage like it was 2011 again, visiting all my old forums as well as newer ones, and my social media sites. Now, all I have to do is reply to my large backlog of Facebook messages, catch up on 1 more webcomic, go through my Discord messages, and catch up on my Serebii fanfiction. Then, I'll be caught up on all my websites for a little while. Hopefully, I can do that tomorrow. I was going to go to Lagoon, but honestly, I think I might just need a weekend to pull back and rest. These past few have been intense. 

But anyway, I found that Feral Front was nixed, nuked, black-holed out of existence as of last October. 

The last time I was ever truly active on the site was in 2012, up until the day I left on my mission. After I returned home, they had lost a lot of the cool features, the few RPs I used were long gone, and most of my friends moved to other websites. I don't even know who this forum poster is, so that shows you how involved I actually was post-mission (hardly at all). 

I'm still pissed that they deleted my custom avatar, which I spent a ridiculous amount of time making, as well as my signature banner, which I also spent a ridiculous amount of time making. The banner got nuked from my crappy old Macbook, too, so it's gone forever now. I'm not really sure how that happened, but when I came back from my mission I was amazed at how little regard I apparently had back then for any semblance of computer security, and I found that my computer had a virus. So, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some of my files vanished. Or, maybe it was just how crazy disorganized my file systems used to be before I started taking my computing studies seriously. 

In retrospect, it's probably good that all my old weird cringe got deleted (and believe me. It was very cringe; I mean it's Feral Front and I was a rather immature 18/19-year-old). However, this is the site that drove me to start learning programming and art more seriously, while continuing with writing. I made custom avatars and profile pages for people. While it was mostly photomanipulation and mindlessly copy-pasted JavaScript, it was actually this site that really cemented in me the desire to do a major that was both technical and artistic. This site was the catalyst for me doing CS Animation. And it encouraged me to continue writing as well, though I found I kinda sucked at roleplaying (too self-conscious to be spontaneous, the same reason why I'm not good at D&D -- I think if I dropped those inhibitions, I would be a lot better at it). I was going to join an RP with the goal of really immersing myself into it, after catching up on the Warriors series (I am really behind), but yeah, that's not gonna happen now. WCRP it is. I guess that's one less forum to check -- even so, I feel like a relic from my late childhood / very early adulthood has died, and that makes me a little sad. 

But, you know. Whatever. :V


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