Bad systems administration: TEA's user management

TEA meaning the Themed Entertainment Association, or the main website for those in the theme park industry and related industries. It has nothing to do with the Tea Party, which I know virtually nothing about. 

The theme park industry is notoriously bad in their web design and software management -- many websites aren't using HTTPS, forums are riddled with spambots, passwords are stored in plaintext, and the like. Unfortunately, this is what happens when you have bad pay and work-life balance (in most cases -- I hope to find a theme park design company that prioritizes good pay and WLB) for a career path, software engineering, that is normally lucrative, secure, and balanced. Your talent floods elsewhere, as I have currently done. So, I guess I should have expected something like this. 

I forgot to pay my membership fee last year, and I was tired of hearing about COVID 24/7 (not that there was much else to talk about), so I let my membership expire. But I wanted to reinstate this year. I found that since I did not pay, they deleted my account altogether. My email address has been completed removed from their system since January, and I can no longer log in. Ergo, my profile is probably completely gone. 

When offering a pay-per-subscription service, this is not what we do. This sucks. I don't get their emails anymore, and I don't really want to go through the hassle again of re-creating the exact same account. Re-updating my work history, my interests, my username, password, profile picture...No! 

Maybe I will eventually, but for now I'm just going to keep putting it off, because I just don't want to deal with it. 

What happens if you don't pay your Amazon Prime bills? I don't know, but I can guarantee you that they won't delete your account, and you can probably just reinstate it whenever you desire to. This is a great example of bad system administration! Do not delete users from your databases just because they do not pay. Lock out their accounts, restrict their privileges, or whatever, but DO NOT delete their accounts and make them recreate everything! AUGH! 


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