covizzle ninetizzle

I am vehemently opposed to lockdowns and mask mandates. I cannot believe that our lives were forcibly taken away from us for something so minor, for such a long period of time. Lockdowns destroy mental health. I will never, ever support them, and you cannot change my mind about this. Lockdowns destroyed the quiet, happy little world I had created for myself, and you do not get to take that world away from me. If you try, I will fight you. 

And sure, I think it is a good idea to wear a mask when you’re symptomatic. It just shouldn’t be forced. But if everyone is wearing one even if they’re feeling fine, then it encourages a culture of irrational fear and paranoia. Ergo, this is BAD. Most viruses can be transmitted asymptomatically, and no I’m not going to wear a mask outside of a directly medical context UNLESS I am feeling symptoms of something. Otherwise, we will be doing this forever. Masks make me hyperventilate, and I get a headache if I wear one for too long. 

However, I do not understand all the panic around the vaccine. I have all my vaccines, and I get my flu shot every year, so I always knew I was going to get this one. I do not get why people are flipping out. Maybe it’s because I’ve studied a lot of the common anti-vaccine arguments as well as their refutations. Maybe it’s because I see how the people who are paranoid about the vaccine run in exact parallel to the people who are paranoid about “long covid”. Correlation does not imply causation, people! I don’t like how people get virtue signally about their shot, but at the same time, who cares. mRNA technology is revolutionary, and no, no magnets are sticking to my arm. I checked. :V

I got dose 1 of Pfizer on May 6, 2021. My arm hurt and I experienced a bit of itching. 

I got dose 2 on May 27, 2021. My arm hurt, but I exercised it off. On the 28th I began feeling really exhausted during my run, so I took a 3-hour nap that afternoon (I already had the day off work). I also had an extremely slight, barely noticeable sore throat. After sleeping, I woke up covered in sweat, but then took a shower and felt a lot better. By the evening, I felt 100% fine, and I was riding water slides at the Provo Rec Center like normal. 

The End. 

Overall: It was, quite possibly, one of the most boring experiences of my entire life. I’ve had more fun waiting in line to buy nasty pizza covered in water droplets at the 7-11. I did not sob for joy of getting the shot or whatever. That’s silly. I just did it, and now it’s over. Look, I am already being tracked through my iPhone and Apple Watch. Nobody is going to implant a microchip in my arm lmao. But then again, I’m the sort of person who waves and gives a thumbs up to my webcam just in case someone is watching me through it, so maybe I am not the best point of reference. :p Regardless: I do not think the shot should be mandated, and I don’t care if you get it or not lol. However, if you’re worried — anecdotal evidence ain’t much to go off of, but maybe my short summary will help assuage your fears. 


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