School Assessment: 11/07/2021

It was an okay week, not great, but not terrible either. 

CS 655: I'm still catching up, urgh. I finally got the entire median split lab working. I thought I had textures working on Friday but it looks like there's something wrong with my math. I've got to push to finish that by today, or I guess tomorrow, and then REALLY push to finish the path tracer. Because I NEED to start on that final project. 

CS 601: It's going well, though things in that class always take me longer than they probably should (i.e. I overengineer things). But hey, the A doesn't lie. 

CS 650: I am extremely grateful for the group that I have for my project. I'm trying to contribute as much as I can, but I hope to do even better next week. Still trying to master deep learning and make sure I understand as much as possible about the paper we're basing things on. 

Senior Film: This fell by the wayside...Again, due to CS 655 mostly. However, the more I work with fluids now, the easier my final CS 655 project will be. So, I will start afresh today. 

TPED Club: We do as much as we can, with the time we all have as busy college students. We'll get some solid portfolio pieces out of this, I'm sure. 

Otherwise, been sketching and gaming...didn't get to Wilkerson Farm for closing weekend like I wanted to, but I was just tired and didn't want to get all dusty. Plus, I'll be in Orlando in a few weeks anyway. 

Math, non-school coding, art, writing...again, OK, but not great. I will do even better starting now. 

And I'm taking an easier schedule next semester. Lol. I need more time for math and art. Plus, I only have 4 grad-level classes remaining anyway, then I'm done (I think). If Disney doesn't work out, I'm going to start working full-time. I need more money than what I currently have. 
