Ah yes, asthma flare-ups.

I had no idea that BYU had a club cross-country and track team, called the Farm Team. I only found out about it this semester through the BYU Running Club's email list. 

I had tried googling "BYU club cross country" many times, and hadn't found anything. Naturally, running is one of my focus areas (along with writing, art, programming/math/physics, weight lifting, music, and theme park design). So, attending this club was basically mandatory for my life's goals. 

I put off going for a few weeks, due to my schedule and the fact that every single guy on the team runs a mile significantly faster than my high school PR (5:30). But, eventually I decided to bite the bullet and just go for it. I never stopped running, but I've been getting kind of fat lately, partly due to my diet but also due to inconsistency (grad school is hard and time-consuming). I also haven't been lifting enough, but that's another story. So I figured joining a team was a good idea. 

If I had known about this team before, I would have started going way earlier -- years earlier! But better late than never. 

Naturally, I got flattened during the workout. My eyes were insanely itchy beforehand due to allergy season just beginning. I didn't realize we were supposed to warm up on our own before practice started, because there was no team warm-up. They started a tempo workout and I realized we were running 4:30 mile pace. Considering that I can't currently keep that pace for more than maybe 10 seconds, I quickly fell behind. In fact I had no idea where the guys were going, so when I completely lost them at a stoplight, I ran with the girls instead so I would actually know where to go, since they were going in a different direction. No shame lol. 

Then we did some track intervals and let me tell you. It is now abundantly clear that I have NOT been pushing myself hard enough on my own training runs. My legs felt just fine actually. But my lungs were burning and I felt like I was going to throw up. I didn't, thankfully. 

My chapstick also disappeared. Pretty sure I either lost it when getting out of my car, or during the tempo workout. 

My form was also garbage, which usually happens when I am in Spain but the S is silent. ;) 

Regardless, it was all good. Everyone was really nice, including the coach, and it felt like high school again (in a good way). However, afterwards I noticed I developed a cough with a lot of mucus (gross, sorry). I was so exhausted last night that I slept without a single dream recall, astral projection, lucid dream, or shifting symptoms, which is somewhat annoying. I also kept hacking up a lung. This morning, I'm still hacking up a lung, so I'm just gonna take a brief walk and call it good. 

I really want to run, but it's clear that my asthma is flaring up. 

And I want to lift, but my back is on fire. D:

Anyway. It was a good time. I'm gonna stretch out my back, do some yoga, then take a walk. Oh, and I'm going to have to reschedule my covid booster and flu shot AGAIN. Let's hope that covid-panicky people don't freak out due to my cough which is very obviously due to my asthma because it started immediately after I finished running, having been completely nonexistent before the workout. Hello, lung burning! 

I can't attend Thursday practice due to University Band, and I can't attend Saturday practice because I already have a Saturday running group. So, next Tuesday -- let the beautiful pain commence once more! :D 

EDIT: Also, screw Utah. Flu shots aren't available anymore due to "state restrictions"? Bullcrap. At least spring is here so hopefully I won't need one. Ugh. Should've just gotten the stupid thing in October, but procrastination. -_-


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