The final push is beginning

Despite the insanity of this past weekend, and the frustrations of this semester and career-related things, I can tell that I have been improving. I am closer than ever to where I want to be, and yet, I still have a long way to go. 

Now when I say "the final push" I don't mean that I will ever stop learning. I mean that I will be at a sufficient baseline level of competence in CS + Animation (including math, physics, IT, ECE, digital painting etc.) such that I can create/solve something within a reasonable amount of time and not have it look/perform poorly -- I want it to be at least decently good. This is the goal. While maintaining my other areas of focus, losing weight etc. 

Actually digital painting is my weakest point, and anything resembling figure drawing. After all, those are the most "artsy" and most removed from the highly technical program of study that is the majority of CSANM. Sure there was the one digital painting assignment in 354 and I did take DESIL 131 (Figure Drawing for Illustrators) as an optional part of the premajor, but that wasn't nearly enough. My math knowledge is also lacking, despite the minor. 

I don't know for sure if I'll swing the whole First Day of June thing -- probably not fully, as it was quite ambitious and last semester kinda owned me, but I will still try very hard to do it. Even if I don't, I can simply push my deadline back for what is hopefully one final time -- to the end of August -- so that I can focus fully on my final master's project starting in the fall. Once this baseline level of competence is achieved, I will be able to breathe a lot more easily. And I am getting there. 


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