Don't let other people shoot you down

People will always tell you that you're making a dumb decision, or you're wasting your time, you shouldn't do x, you should do y, etc. Because everyone is always the expert on how you should live your life. 

However, I have noticed something. Whenever I have persisted with what felt right to my heart anyway, I have always benefited from it. It's always worked out. With school, my pursuits, whatever it is. 

I'm not quitting anything and I'm not downsizing on anything that I plan to do. It's all happening. Roadblocks or not. Screwed up my calf this week, but I'm still going to the running club, at least once it heals. And I'll be more careful this time. 

Just do what feels right to you. Chances are it does for a reason. Prove them wrong. 


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