All Google Calendar .ics invites NEED to have an alert attached.

There was an intern social at 2 PM today. I had a pretty productive morning getting my I-9 documents verified (an 11:40 AM appointment that went very smoothly) and sorting through my Trello board.

And I forgot about the social until 2:15 PM. I was supposed to show up at 1:55 PM. 

I also got really confused, like "how is it 2:15 PM? I thought it was like 1:45 PM?" 

I hate time blindness. 

The worst part was that the entire thing was ON MY IPHONE. I shouldn't have forgotten it, because it should've shown up at the top of the screen. 

Only then did I realize that my downloaded .ics file didn't have an alert attached to it. I should've checked, and set the alert myself. If it had had an alert, this wouldn't have happened. 

I could just jump on right now. But I think that would be weird. They're probably already in the middle of the games that they're playing, so I will just forgo this. It isn't essential, or anything. But this is frustrating. I was on the ball and I forgot this one thing. 

Lesson learned: ALWAYS, I repeat ALWAYS add alerts to .ics invites. 

Lesson 2 learned: Apple will automatically add your alert as "Time to Leave" if there's a location attached. If there isn't, there will be no default alert. 

And show up to everything early. I SUCK at this. But I have to try. 
