The problem with Midway of Fun...

So Orem Summerfest is using Midway of Fun (well, actually Brass Ring Amusements, but Midway of Fun is what comes up when you search them) for their carnival this year. It's June 9-11, and if you want a wristband it's $30 for pre-sale at the library. 

Now, if we knew for sure that the carnival would have its full line-up as advertised on the website, then that price would absolutely be worth it. 

But I got all excited for their carnival at Traverse Mountain last summer. I left Cowabunga Bay and went straight over, expecting it to be super packed. I met up with a few friends and was really excited to ride a Bayern Kurve. 

I was sorely disappointed. They only had maybe 6-8 rides there. The operators wouldn't let me on the kiddie coaster which was the only decent looking thing there, becuase I was supposedly too big, but they let another family on later that had some guys who were way larger than me. So really they were just lazy. I went on the drop tower and a few fun houses, and left rather annoyed. I'm sorry but the Ventura County Fair carnies will always be a thousand times cooler than any carnies I've met in Utah. And they will actually let me on the rides instead of being too lazy to start the dang thing. 

Summerfest is held at City Center Park usually. You can fit a reasonable amount of rides in there but not a whole lineup. I remember last year there was a really good selection -- not sure what company it was done through, though. Can't remember. 

Also it was SUPER packed last year, so it was a good idea that I didn't get a wristband. I didn't try to get any kiddie coaster credits because the lines were super long, and I didn't want to wait for an hour only to be told that I couldn't ride it because I'm too old lol. If it was less packed I could've just asked the operator directly. But such was not the case. I waited an hour just to ride a Kamikaze, man. D:

I also keep having nightmares that it's snowing in May and I can't go to water parks. Screw this spring, the weather has sucked! Why is supposed to be 39-55 degrees and raining on Monday. :/ It's MEMORIAL DAY. It is SUPPOSED to be hot and sunny, like it was last year. Sunday will suck too and it'll throw off my annual Riverwoods walk. I am SO ready to get tf out of this state. 
