Finally got my Theme Park Design certification.

I blew off a lot of stuff to finish this. I started this thing 3 years ago, and it should've only taken maybe a week or two to complete. But, ADHD. This is the time in my life where I need to start finishing things. This is my first summer deliverable, completed, alongside a digital painting I also finished today -- which actually looks at least somewhat decent, though I don't plan on posting it to this blog. 

Steve's Imagineering Workshop is a different course, though I believe that the lectures are roughly the same (just judging by the previews and content). It's like $300. I may do this, but not until after my MS program, and this depends on whether or not I get another offer from Universal, or possibly one from Disney, Birket, etc. If this Adobe internship works out and I get rehired, I won't really be worrying about money, but I will take the workshop. If I'm already in the industry, the point may be moot. 

Next step: Learning PLCs, but I need to get really back into my math and coding review. I just need to finish PLC I, my show control book, and maybe PLC II by the end of the summer. This should be doable. I'm honestly the most worried about my mathematics review, as I'm really behind on it. But things are finally starting to pull together the way they should have 5 years ago. Thank goodness for that.  

Anyway. It's time for dinner, a break, and then goodness knows what. Need to recharge my brain a bit -- I really gunned it for the last few days to finish this thing. 
