Wednesday Workouts

Wed is my most intense day of the week. Here's what it looks like:

  • 70 mins lifting legs (doubles as a warmup for the run): quads, hams, glutes, calves, abductors, adductors
    • 2x sets of:
      • Bodyweight squats
      • Thigh abductor machine
      • Thigh adductor machine
      • Seated leg press 
      • Seated calf press
      • Lying leg curls
      • Leg extensions
      • Seated leg curl
      • Standing leg curl
      • Hack squats
      • Bulgarian split squats
      • Dumbbell lunges
      • Dumbbell calf raise
      • Flutter kicks
      • Dumbbell squats
      • Dumbbell seated one-leg calf raise
      • Hip circles
      • Standing barbell calf raises
      • Clams
      • Side-lying leg lifts
      • Glute kickbacks
  • 6.25 mile run:
    • 1 mile tempo
    • 1 mile fartlek
    • 1 mile hills, slopes, and stairs
    • 1 mile intervals (400m with 400m rest)
    • 1 mile accelerations (get faster every 400m)
    • 1.25 mile cooldown 
  • Balance board
Yes. Yes it does hurt. :D

My 5k split today was 21:41 which means I should be able to race a lot faster than that :)

I've thought about adding in one-leg standing calf raises but idk. Kinda don't want to amp up the lifting time much longer than it already is. On my full-body days, I might add those. Also my apartment gym has stuff for cable leg exercises and you can do hip and glute exercises with cables, so I'll do those sometimes on Mondays or Saturdays. 

Lots would say it's too high volume but tbh that's kinda just my style ðŸ’ƒðŸ’ƒðŸ’ƒ 42 sets a workout. however, I don't always go to failure, need to work on that. 


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