pyres (or, I write the weirdest poems when debugging)

candlewax on her back

blood pools below as the evening shadows dance

I wander here below

lost in the rhythm of fireglow

burning holes in the dust as I pace -- 

my art that paints my hate for this place

faint smoke rises as candles glow

hollowed-out drumbeats on empty skulls

we are the ones who forsook it all

amidst the thorns, we chose to fall

and so we burn the candles atop her back

the gray moon topples as the stars turn black

(let it all turn black, let it all turn black)

why did you snuff out my stars?

my moon and Venus, Saturn, Mars

I wanted to watch them fall from the sky

As they were mine, the day my light died.

When these skulls once lived, what made them scream?

Their thoughts, their hopes, opinions, dreams?

We are the ones who made them die

In these sputtering flames that mock the night sky. 

we are the ones who forsook it all

amidst the thorns, we chose to fall

and so we burn the candles atop her back

the gray moon topples as the stars turn black

(let it all turn black, let it all turn black)

(snuff out all fires

choke out all desires

from the glow of the pyres

let their bright eyes expire.)

Candlewax drips as if they weep

But their eyes are open in final sleep.


I've been stuck forever on a bug at work. My brain was trying to work through the bug after a week off, and for some reason, I was also thinking of the Ghostemane lyric "candlewax burns on her back in the shape of a pentacle". I started drawing candles and skulls on my scratch paper as I worked through the bug, and this poem just kinda ended up on the page. About midway through writing it, I figured out the bug and implemented the fix. Wrote the rest of the poem and, well, here we are. 


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