Stop showing up sick

There has been a very annoying trend of people showing up sick to work, band, and choir. 

Just don't. I used to, too, and it's just completely pointless. For work, you can telecommute (if you're an office worker). For band or choir, just practice or listening to recordings at home. I love all of you wonderful people, just please do not blow your spit particles at me 😀😀😀

Last summer I tried forcing myself to Lagoon on July 4th when I convinced myself that I was "feeling better" (I was not) after 90 minutes of lifting + an 8-mile run, and it just made me sicker for like 3 additional days. Last time I am ever doing that. 

Signed, someone who is very annoyed that he is going to have to miss band tonight. Not because he is sick, but because sickies are attending and he has a work conference coming up. 


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