First astral projection experience

This happened on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I had a very quick LD where I was only at a low level of lucidity (not enough to try and make a portal or demand clarity) and also had a few non-lucid dreams, plus I was trying to shift via the intent method. 

As such, I wasn't intending for an AP to happen specifically, and it was pretty faint. But, the entire time I was thinking "whoa, I think I'm astral projecting!" and that was pretty cool. 

I gained awareness while asleep and then experienced a vague sense of flying over my body, and I saw myself asleep in bed from a third-person perspective -- but it was just for a brief second. After that, everything went black, but I started to feel like I was being lifted up, up, up -- into the air! I remember thinking that soon I would open my eyes and start exploring the astral realm. 

Then...My reality check reminder from the How To Lucid app woke me up, and I snapped back into my body and bed. :V Oh, the irony. My phone normally gets put on sleep mode each night, but because I don't set alarms on Sundays (unless church is at 9 am, gross) I guess it didn't go into sleep mode. So it kept sending me notifications all night, though I slept through most of them. 

Sunday mornings have always been the best for me to LD due to the lack of alarms and lack of morning workout. I might try to AP again soon. We'll see. Depends on what I want to get out of the weeks and months to come. Regardless, this was very cool. Putting the work in really does pay off, sometimes in ways that you don't expect. 
