I hate being dirty in general

Especially after I've just showered. 

Like today -- I just showered after my run and put on nice clothes, and then I was asked to help out outside with taking down the (very dirty) Christmas lights. Ugh. I put on my cologne and everything, and now I'm asked to get all sweaty and dirty. I would've preferred to receive this request before I got in the shower. 

I don't mind getting dirty during a workout; that's expected. I did hike the Grand Canyon in one day, after all, and holy crap that's a lot of dirt. But I want to shower right after I finish, and if I can't, my anxiety goes through the roof. I hate the feeling of dirt on me. 

The core of this is that I hate feeling unattractive, and probably my biggest turnoff is people who aren't hygienic, don't shower, don't brush their teeth, don't wear deodorant, etc. Conversely, I tend to be drawn to clean people who care about how they present themselves. So being asked to get all dirty after I've just gotten clean just grosses me out. And yes, I do have a dx of OCD, how did you know? lol

In short, I would love to help you with your stuff. Indoors, without getting dirty. 
