Facebook removing key info about yourself tomorrow.
They will be removing Religion Sexual orientation Political views In an effort to make the platform "simpler", which makes zero sense, because it's just three data fields. Doesn't sound complicated to me. Then again, it's not necessarily a bad thing, either. It releases a bit of baggage. I left social conservatism years ago, and I will not be returning. But I am under no obligation to advertise that. I guess what I'm more frustrated about is the larger trend that this points to. There are no good social media platforms. The only one I like is Reddit. They've gotten too simplified, and you can't really get to know people. I hate the short bios that are commonplace nowadays. As a quiet person wanting to be heard, I want to write a longer bio where I can really express who I am, as an individual. I also hate the focus on videos. As someone who listens to music almost 24/7, I don't want to watch videos, because I'll have to pause my music. I...