so Visual Studio for Mac doesn't support C++ projects...

I need my fluid solver code working on Mac so I can make progress over Thanksgiving, because I don't want to TeamViewer into my PC and my laptop is a Mac without Bootcamp (which I shouldn't need due to having a PC). I spent way too long trying to get the stupid thing to compile and couldn't get it up and running. I even deleted and reinstalled Visual Studio. Turns out, C++ applications aren't supported at all. 

...Why didn't Microsoft add this support? It seems ridiculously obvious that this should be available. 

Configuration files and compiling are among the most frustrating parts of coding. Once you're actually in a working IDE, things aren't so bad. Your only enemy is really your algorithm, and possibly the quirks of whatever language you're using. I'm not sure of the best way to improve my skills at this area, but it's probably one of those things that I will have to do "after grad school". 

I'm just gonna compile with g++ for now, and edit using Visual Studio, I guess. 
g++ -o sim fluidsimstarter.cpp


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