Khan Academy: geometric transformations

I am reviewing the majority of the math topics on Khan Academy right now, and for some reason I'm really screwing up on geometric transformations. 

Which is weird. I don't think I quite have hyperphantasia (though I've considered I might), but I have always considered myself to have a strong, visual imagination that at least borders on it, which I think shines through in my writing.  

But when it comes to geometric transformations, my brain buzzes out. It's not that I can't picture them, but that there are a lot of moving parts, and if you forget just one, you are screwed. I have been stuck on this unit for multiple months, mainly because I don't have much time to work on math, but also because I keep bombing the stupid quizzes. I keep getting the questions wrong, but it makes you retake the entire thing if you get less than 3/4 or whatever. And I'm already late to work and haven't worked on my code yet, UGH. I didn't expect things to get difficult until I hit calculus 2, which is the first math class in college that I started to flounder in, so this is kind of annoying. But it's good to fill in whatever gaps you have if you want to make a lifelong commitment to mastering math -- and I do. Though I need to start completing 1 math module every 2 weeks in order to finish through DiffEq and Physics by Memorial Day weekend 2023, and I'm already overdue on this one. High school geometry was a long time ago, but still, ew. Idk why I keep bombing these. 

Ok, NOW I'm annoyed. This is what I keep screwing up: 

I measured from C, not from P. AUGH that would make sense. I wish I could just nuke the whole quiz and start over, but I have to complete it and then do it again and keep doing it until I get 100%. 


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