Super undead cheesy emo song lyrics for a depressing November Saturday

Two months pass by, and it’s getting cold

I know I’m not lost; I’m just alone. 

But I won’t cry, I won’t give up, 

I can’t go back now. 

Waking up is knowing who you really are…

~ Evanescence 

Well, at least next week will include some built-in rest time. I had better not get sick. My throat feels a tiny bit funky from running 12 miles in 17F with wind this morning. Yes, it sucked. I love running but I hate the cold. I have gotten the 2022 flu shot and one covid booster. Haven't gotten this fall's covid booster yet. Hopefully it's just asthma. 

It’s literally getting cold, as it does every winter, yet it wrecks me every time it does. And it's been 2 months since summer. But I’m on the right path, even if I am alone and can’t find “my person” and I don’t see the point of mindless socializing (outside of family, my main friend group, my 2 writing groups, school and work, and my club...this is not that much apparently because of all the crap I get for ditching on FHE or activities at random ward members' houses that I don't have time or energy for. Why try to find my s/o here when it NEVER happens at ward activities and I'm going to leave in a year anyway? No point). 

But I'm not going to give up on what I want to do. I'm so close. I will not go back to who I once was...I know who I am now, and where I'm trying to be. I'll make it or die trying.

The song, Exodus, is about a runaway kid...but the beauty of lyrical music and poetry is that they can apply to so many different things. And that's why I love music with lyrics. 

So I won't give up. I can't go back now. 


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