
When I worked in-office at BYU, I usually was never ready early enough to use my SAD lamp (a Verilux HappyLight which I named Mr. Happy, after the ICP song) for the recommended amount of time before I had to leave. And I didn't really want to bring it to campus. 

So I would often get hit by a wave of intense sadness while at work. I'd blast my music, take deep breaths, and lose myself in the code. I would also eat too much sugar from the mini mart, which is how I gained 15 pounds in the first 2 years of my MS program. When I was feeling better, I would come out of my shell and start talking to my coworkers again. 

Recently, I've been using my SAD lamp for 50-90 minutes per day, Monday through Friday, now that I am working remotely for DWA. I have noticed a HUGE boost in my mood. The depressive spells still happen, but not for very long. 

Strategic use of caffeine has helped a ton, too. It's amusing that I used to have such an irrational fear of it. I use Crystal Light Energy, with the following doses: 
  • Monday 60 mg
  • Tuesday 120 mg
  • Wednesday 60 mg
  • Thursday 120 mg
  • Friday off
  • Saturday 120 mg
  • Sunday off 
As a bonus, it helps with ADHD too. I don't experience the "not affected by caffeine" thing. I'm not officially hyperactive (though I fidget a ton) so maybe that's why. 

Better than antidepressants (for me personally). The side effects are so sketchy. Decreased energy, increased appetite, weight gain, decreased libido, flat affect, eww gross. Depression has never really affected my energy levels to an extreme extent -- lethargy is not a symptom I experience often -- and I'd rather it not start. 

And of course, regular lifting, running, and walking, plus sleeping 7.5 - 8 hours per night, is helpful too. Trying to get a full, unambiguous 8 more often. And having a TDEE of around 3000 calories from my workouts means I can eat 2500 and still lose weight. 

I'm listening to some early Christmas music now and I actually feel decent. :) 


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