Achieving excellence despite failure.

I was going to write something longer, but ended up deleting it. In short, it's been a rough couple of days. Career-wise I've been hitting a lot of bumps, and I have made no significant improvements in other realms of my life. This is, obviously, frustrating. 

A major objective, when pursuing a goal, is to become "so good they can't ignore you" (phrase by Cal Newport). To become so good, that anyone who has ever rejected you will regret that they ever did. 

It's like if Terrence Tao tried to transfer universities for some weird reason. No university would reject Tao. Why? Because he's the best. 

I need to become the best. Or at least the top 1% in my three main pursuits (programming, writing, art), and the top 25% in everything that lies beneath that. 

I could go on. The publishers who rejected J.K. Rowling probably hate themselves right now. Why? Because she became so good that nobody could ignore her. So good that nobody could reject her. 

So take a break, watch a good show, eat some good food. And then, dive right back in. 


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