My ideal Friday night

I haven't had one of these in a long while, and tonight certainly hasn't been a good example of it (considering that I spent almost two hours on my self-study course lol). 

First, I would eat some good food. Orem gets crazy crowded after work on Fridays, so it's better to just get food right away before the lines get even longer. 

After dinner, I would do some art and writing. Just a little bit, since it's Friday night and I'm tired from the week. Then, maybe I would play a little bit of music. Or screw around with some CTFs, just to get the brain juices flowing a bit. 

After that, it would be time to transition into the Internet. I would visit all my favorite forums and social media websites, read fanfiction, RP, look at art, reply to emails and messages, and read webcomics, all while listening to some excellent music. 

Then, I would play video games for a while. I take forever to finish games; I'm still partway through Portal 1 and have been for a long time, plus Pokemon Shield. But if I did this consistently, I wouldn't be behind.

Then, I would watch some good T.V. shows. I'd be getting pretty tired at this point (ideally would have worked out in the morning) so watching some stuff would be a good way to cool down. 

After that, I'd get ready for bed. Read a book, spend some time in my imaginative world, and get to bed nice and early. 

Naturally, there would be a few Fridays in July and August where I would fight the traffic to go to Lagoon. But sadly, it is currently freezing and Lagoon won't be open until almost 2 months from now. 

Instead, though, my Fridays are usually hectic trying to get stuff done before midnight (thankfully don't have to do this tonight). I get super far behind on messages and fanfiction reading (so, sorry if you're reading this and I still haven't replied to your FB message or email, please know that it is not personal but is instead extreme brain-blech), which means that when I do have time for them, they are more stressful than they are fun. 

Regardless, just got to keep iterating. I'll get there. One day at a time. 


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