I just want an online community that talks about spring and summer

Since I look forward to them every year. The winter subreddit has over twice as many people as the summer subreddit, and the autumn subreddit has over twenty times as many people, and the mod at r/summer randomly decided to make the sub private without providing a reason, which is stupid, so the activity is basically zero. I tried to take over as a mod but there was a whole complicated process that I didn’t go through and thus I was denied. The spring subreddit has some activity, but it’s mostly a combination of 1) flower photos, and 2) people trying to talk about the Java Spring framework. I love the I HATE WINTER!!! Facebook page, but even then, it’s focused more on hating winter than the excitement I feel every year as spring and summer approach. Trying to search for “I love summer” on Facebook doesn’t get you very many exciting pages or active groups. I love looking forward to Memorial Day, for example, and I would love to be a part of a community of other people who are planning what they’ll do on Memorial Day for months in advance. Sometimes I take a walk by the water park in the dead of winter just so I can pretend it’s summer for a little while. I need an online community of other people who do this, lol. 

I actually had a dream last night about it being Memorial Day. In that dream, I went to a new water park. I don’t remember much else, but it was fantastic.

It’s funny how much I love dark and creepy stuff and yet spring and summer are my favorite time of the year. Maybe one day I’ll understand that better. I suppose plunging deep into dark things helps us to love the light even more. 

I might create a community called r/summertime or maybe a page on FB but then I’d have to actively maintain and moderate it. Also, r/summertime and r/summerseason already exist....and they are ALSO both private with 0 members for some stupid reason. Hmm...we will see. 


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