Only 12 more days of February to go.

And I'm grateful. I did enjoy President's Day; despite doing hardly anything other than art and taking a freezing cold walk at Springwater Park, which apparently becomes really ugly in the winter. Granted, I felt exhausted pretty much all weekend, and my leg injuries are killing me to the point where sleeping and sitting hurt (well, now that I've taken ibuprofen, I feel just fine, but...I've been taking a lot of that stuff lately and I can't do that forever). I'm also behind on animation stuff...again. Same old story, all the time, and I need to break out of it. 

Look at it! It's ugly, isn't it?! This is quintessential February. I hate it a lot. 

I'm not planning on walking at Springwater again until winter is over. There are plenty of better places to go for now. Snow was falling lightly, it smelled weird, it was slushy and muddy, and everything was...just...dead. Yuck. 

And now, it's snowing like crazy. At least here in Utah, we're not in the epicenter of the storm, so it's in the 30s. When I go on Facebook pages like "I hate winter", I remind myself that at least we're not in the negatives right now, like many other places are. 

Still, I just want my sunshine and warmth. 

finished 50 Things to Draw this week, finally, so there's that! Took forever but I made it. Onwards towards Drawabox. If you could upvote me on Imgur so my karma gets out of the red zone, that would also be fantastic. :p

Here is one of the drawing pages that I did. 

And I got hired for a really awesome software development internship! This is HUGE because now I won't have to worry about finances this summer, and they might even let me keep working there in the fall! I'm so excited to write tons of awesome code this spring. And with the cash, I'm even considering getting season passes to a few more places. Right now I have Lagoon and Splash Summit passes, but who knows -- I might get Cowabunga Bay and Cherry Hill as well! Or even SCERA Park Pools! I could see myself even doing Lagoon and Cherry Hill on the same day, since they're so close to each other. Oh, the possibilities! 

It also takes a huge load off. I can begin writing again with abandon, and I can continue pushing to complete my self-study program instead of sending out zillions of applications every night :) 

Soon it will be March, and with it, the days will slowly but surely become tamer and tamer, until it is spring again. The last weekend of March, if Lagoon opens then, will be the beginning of my "light time" and I will be so happy with all the sunshine and color, even if there are still cold and wintry days. Because the warmer days will just keep getting more frequent, until they're all we have! Slog through the crap to get to the fun; I suppose that's just how things go. March can't get here fast enough. 

And after that, it's all downhill until summer! Here's to 9 PM sunsets, late-night showers after evening swim-and-slide sessions, reading books at various parks all across the valley, buying cool souvenirs, and sunny Saturday morning drives to Lagoon and Hogle Zoo. It's going to be lovely. 


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