First Day of June Core Competency: DEADLINES
The only way to achieve my "First Day of June" goal of achieving core competency is by setting deadlines to finish tutorials, etc. I will try to update progress on this each week.
The art schedule is a little bit hardcore. As a result, I am allowing the "scripting for animation, CSANM 354 rehash" sections to be moved into the summer/fall of 2022 if needed. I hope that after completing these tutorials, my arsenal will be greatly improved for these two bigger projects. My CS 455 video game, Carnivile, will be redone at some point, but I don't know when.
Due to the intensity of my art, coding, and math schedule, I am going a little bit easier on myself for writing. I will try to get ahead on all fronts if possible.
I haven't figured out how to start incorporating regular Leetcode practice. But I won't worry about that until Cracking the Coding Interview is finished.
I'm still working on deadlines for math, physics, and coding, and will update this post once they're done. I will need to fly through the introductory math, possibly as I get ready for bed each night, and I must fly through my schoolwork too in order to make time for everything and still get good grades.
I will evaluate this weekly, re-post it, and push back dates if I have to -- but hopefully not.
I've failed on schedules like this before. But I'll be danged if I don't pull out all the stops this time, and finally finish core competency after all these years.
- Finish Carnivile draft 1 (due May 26th)
- Plan next novel, figure out how to restart fanfic, figure out how to restart poetry, writing plans for the summer (due June 1st)
- Pixar in a Box (due November 4th)
- Drawabox (due December 4th)
- Maya review (due November 12th)
- Houdini (due Nov 27th)
- Substance (due December 5th)
- Nuke (due Dec 11th)
- After Effects (due Dec 13th)
- CtrlPaint (due Dec 31st)
- Digital Painting in Photoshop (due Jan 8th)
- Paleoart (due Jan 9th)
- Proko: Figure Drawing (due Jan 30th)
- Animator’s survival kit (due Feb 26th)
- Force: dynamic life drawing (due March 19th)
- (due March 26th)
- mastering manga (Due April 2nd)
- blender guru intro (due April 9th)
- unity (due April 16th)
- unreal (due April 23rd)
- illuminated pixels (due May 23rd)
- scripting for animation (due May 23rd)
- CSANM 354 rehash (due May 23rd)
- graphic design, UI/UX review (due May 24th)
- basic 2D animation (due May 25th)
- basic photography (due May 26th)
- break, set summer goals for art (due June 1st)
Note: these deadlines may be too aggressive. If so, I can compress my review of the later math classes. However, this is ideally to be avoided, as I'd rather rush through the basics which I already have a pretty decent grasp on.
- Khan Academy: Arithmetic (due October 29th)
- Khan Academy: Basic Geometry and Measurement (due November 1st)
- Khan Academy: Pre-algebra (due November 5th)
- Khan Academy: Algebra basics (due November 10th)
- Khan Academy: Algebra 1 (due November 15th)
- Khan Academy: Geometry (due November 20th)
- Proofs Part 1 (due November 27th)
- Khan Academy: Algebra 2 (due December 1st)
- Khan Academy: Trigonometry (due December 4th)
- Khan Academy: Statistics and probability (due December 8th)
- Khan Academy: Pre-calculus (due December 15th)
- Khan Academy: Calculus I (due December 22nd)
- Proofs Part 2 and Discrete Mathematics (due January 1st)
- Khan Academy: Calculus II (due February 1st)
- Khan Academy: Linear Algebra (due March 1st)
- Khan Academy: Multivariable Calculus (due April 1st)
- Khan Academy: Differential Equations (due April 30th)
- Khan Academy: Physics library (which includes astronomy) (due May 20th)
- Khan Academy: Electrical Engineering (due May 23rd)
- Theme Park Design certification (due November 6th)
- CAD certification (due February 28th)
- Imagineering in a Box (due May 24th)
- Dino 101 certification for winter break (Due January 1st)
- Finish "Cracking the Coding Interview" (due December 31st, read a little each day)
- Obtain PLC I certification (due November 14th, non-negotiable deadline)
- Finish reading "Show Networks and Control Systems" (due December 31st, read each night)
- Excel programming review (due November 1st)
- Rewrite Dad's business website (due November 28th)
- Google IT Support Fundamentals certification (due December 11th)
- Guru99 Software Testing course (due December 17th)
- Data center / network operations review (due December 19th)
- CompTIA: all video series (due December 23rd)
- TryHackMe, Hack the Box, RingZer0, or some other sort of regular CTF practice (Begin working on every Friday night after finishing IT Support Fundamentals and CompTIA) (due May 23rd)
- Review all necessary CS courses, including a code polish (or rewrite for 236, 324, and maybe 224, plus code the server for 240 since it wasn't an assignment when I took the course but I think it would be helpful):
- CS 142 (due December 24th. This is basically done; I'd just like to add the code to a private GitHub repo, so it's on the cloud somewhere.)
- CS 224 (due March 1st)
- Read "Code" by Charles Petzold
- CS 235 (due December 26th. Will involve a quick algorithm review and code cleanup)
- CS 236 (due January 31st, but this is NOT counting my discrete math review -- this is just a projects polish)
- CS 240 (due January 2nd -- might be a good winter break project to clean everything up)
- CS 252 (due January 2nd)
- CS 260 (due December 23rd)
- Do a quick WordPress tutorial for a day
- CS 312 (due February 5th)
- CS 324 (due April 1st)
- Bandit Wargames -- this may happen as part of my cybersecurity studies, which, alongside computer graphics, will ultimately take precedence after core competency is achieved.
- CS 340 (due January 15th -- don't polish anything since it was a group project, just review design patterns and look everything over)
- CS 355 (due February 12th)
- CS 450 (due April 30th -- recode the stitching lab specifically)
- CS 455 (due December 31st -- seriously, this will be really easy since 655 basically had me recode 455, and I'm booting the Carnivile recode until post-competency, so it's just a quick review of the basic labs -- though if I want to redo the exams it may be harder)
- CS 470 (due April 1st. Work on this when you're tired of 224)
- MIT: the missing semester
- Deep learning basics (due November 12th)
- Work through Scratchapixel (due May 23rd)
- Art of Electronics (due May 23rd, but can be pushed to the summer)
- Ruby on Rails book (due April 30th, but can be pushed to later)
- An April and May of CompTIA (due May 23rd)
- CompTIA certification: ITF+
- CompTIA certification: A+
- CompTIA certification: Network+
- CompTIA certification: Security+
- Google IT Automation certification (due April 15th)
- Clean Code book (due May 23rd)
- Read Real-Time Rendering book (soft deadline May 23rd, but can be pushed back to the summer -- however, since it will deal with MS final project, it would be better sooner than later)
- Anything other core concepts I missed on TeachYourselfCS (due May 23rd)
- Set summer goals: Consider prep for Robust Control via MIT OCW (due June 1st)
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