Why are people so weirded out by solo travel, and even solo day trips?

In February 2020, I went with a group of friends (as well as people I didn't know) to Disneyland. It was one of the best weeks of my life. 

I also didn't stay with them overnight. I got my own one-person room, in the Hilton Anaheim. Best sleep I've ever had, even though I was only getting 4 hours a night, because DISNEY, obviously. That king-sized mattress felt like sleeping on a cloud. 

I also didn't travel there with them. They road-tripped down. I flew. I like road-tripping, but I have to use the restroom a lot more than the average person. I don't have any reason for this other than a) my anxiety disorders, and b) my body just works this way. I'm not diabetic or anything -- it's just biological variability. 

Plus, I had to work a lot, because I had only a few vacation days accumulated. So, I flew via Delta. 

It was one of the best weekends of my life. 

And I couldn't have done it if I hadn't done TONS of solo days trips to Lagoon, Hogle Zoo, the Utah State Fair, Wilkerson Farm, and the various water parks and swimming pools in the Utah County area. These solo day trips gave me the confidence that I needed to get myself down to Anaheim. They made me, a shy and socially anxious introvert who used to be terrified of the world at large, significantly more independent and confident. 

I did have fun with that group, and I'm really grateful for them -- but I would've still had a blast going on my own. 

So why does this weird people out so much? "You went to Wilkerson Farm...BY YOURSELF?" Lol yes, because my friends only go once a year, and then my family members might go once a year, so I only get two trips. If I want to go 7 or 8 times or even more, or just swing by for a quick ride after work, well, I am going to go alone. 

Also, going alone gives you full control over your day. This is AWESOME. Name me someone who will run 6-13 miles, then drive to Lagoon-a-Beach and be there for 2 hours, and then quickly choke down some food, then go to Cherry Hill for 2 hours, then go to Classic Waterslides for 2 hours, then grab dinner and make art, then screw around online and play some games until passing out. AND still be okay with me having to use the restroom a lot. Oh right, that's zero people. Better to do things my way. 

Of course, I still love going with people! But I will go with others to theme parks maybe 2-6 times a year, and by myself maybe 20-30 times a year! 

Every time I go to Lagoon alone and tell my parents about it, they are always super passive-aggressive, and act absolutely SHOCKED that I went alone and -- gasp! -- only talked to a few people, with only myself as company. Even though I do this constantly, they have to act weirded out, in order to guilt-trip me about it as much as possible. 

Why? Because I'm not following the mold. The pre-determined script. I never grew out of Disney or Pokemon. I didn't rush into marriage because I'm still searching for the person I've been dreaming of, and I'm pretty ambivalent about having kids. Normal people aren't "supposed" to do what I do. I enjoy having fun and relaxing -- gasp, the horror! -- and while I work hard, I also give myself plenty of time to rest. I listen to the music, watch the shows, and play the video games that I'm not supposed to. I ignore illogical traditions and I don't care if I conform to gender stereotypes. I am focused on my goals even though they span -- gasp -- multiple fields. I do what I want, when I want, however I want to do it. This scares certain people, but it also can inspire others. 

I'm not here for the people who will be pearl-clutchy about it. Instead, I'm here for those who will understand. 

Be yourself. Do what you love. Do what your heart calls you to do. And ignore everyone who tells you otherwise. They'll never get it. 


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